Monday, February 15, 2010

An useful application

So I was gchatting with a friend earlier tonight and decided it would be both useful and amazingly fun if facebook would release a filter (amongst their myriad updates), or someone would make an app, that would allow one to see all of his friends on facebook that are in a relationship. There could be a further mode which would allow one to see which of his friends are in a relationship with one another.

Now, no one needs to agree with me that this would be either useful/fun, because I understand that it would reflect poorly upon you to express desire for such a thing. An apt name for it might even be "the creeper." Regardless, that's why I'm posting this. So you can continue to be in hiding about your love of dishing, especially in regards to who is dating whom, and just muse upon the idea of a facebook where one could see all of his friends' relationship without relying on the random whims of the news feed.

Besides, as we all well know, it's not official unless it's facebook official. What better way to keep track of those serious couples.

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