Friday, September 3, 2010

Pet Peeve Positively Pinpointed

A local man pinpointed a new pet peeve Friday after watching television.

Mike Treadway, a 23-year-old Caucasian male, was watching "Firefly" with his 27-year-old brother, Josh, when his brother rose to make dinner during an episode. Seemingly confused and annoyed, Treadway paused the episode so that Josh wouldn't miss important dialog and plot elements, sources said.

After hours of reflecting on this and other similar circumstances, Treadway came to a new realization. It makes his blood boil when viewers do not pay attention to a television show or movie.

"I guess I just don't understand it when people watch a show or movie and spend the whole time texting or walking around or talking. It's one thing when you have to pee in a movie theater, but you can pause anything at home these days," said Treadway.

Treadway is a firm believer of paying attention to whatever it is you are watching. It avoids what he calls stupid questions.

"It just seems that if we're both watching something, and you turn to me and ask for a plot recap of something that just happened or was confusing because you missed something earlier, and it was in no way confusing, then you have really no interest in watching it in the first place," said Treadway.

When asked how he planned to deal with this new pet peeve, Treadway said he would probably passive-aggressively complain about it on his blog.

1 comment:

  1. Hahahaha. Wow. In a land of passive-aggressiveness, you would be crowned king.
